#invitations printing
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adrivoulgarellis · 1 year ago
Are you US based & looking for a quality online printing service?
Print with Prints of Love, use my referral in the this post.
Hi friends, I recommend this service & think it’s great for having your cards, poster designs etc printed by them, click here to learn more about what they have to offer https://printsoflove.com/ref/whispbyadri Ps: I earn a small commission should you make use of their services through my link. (If you see a ‘gift banner’at the top of this page, kindly ignore – this is by WordPress & my site is…
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polararts · 2 years ago
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months ago
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@wickjump you will never not be an absolute genius
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utilitycaster · 7 months ago
Gonna start quoting Taliesin on "disliking things isn't a personality" whenever someone starts yelling wack shit about D&D unprompted in the cr tag
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fisheito · 10 months ago
i love how eiden pauses at every outfit reveal with a . hotboy synopsis like clan member: *steps out of the changing room* eiden: and now, if i can have ur attention--- FEAST your eyes on this MARVELOUS hunk of grade AAAAAA+++++ prime meat..,, his accessories perfectly accentuate his finest features...! His fit ! is flawless!! BREATHTAKING. REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!!!!! and yet!? one can't help but get excited... for what lies UNDERNEATH that BREATHTAKING attire ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
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shinesurge · 11 months ago
OH hey denver folks: Mutiny is officially the second comic shop on the planet to carry Kidd Commander books (next to Danny the Comic Shop), I met Jim and The Professor at the show this weekend and they were really into the comic! If you're in the area and want to help support me and a local shop (and also help make me look like a good investment lmaooo) maybe stop in and grab a book! I already got paid for these so don't feel bad about not going through my shop, this would save you shipping costs AND make me look like a good investment to the store. I didn't have a lot of stock so there aren't very many, I think they have volumes 1 and 2 and three copies each of the specials, so if they run out somehow or just haven't put them out yet or something going to the counter and asking about them would probably also help my reputation a little bit hehe
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bucksaiga · 6 months ago
Buck and Tommy send out their wedding invitations but they're Isis puzzles and the invitations are inside the orb
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They all think it's just some silly toy until Hen asks them if they got their invitations to the wedding because Karen solved their puzzle fairly quickly lmao
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threepoint14art · 6 months ago
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I'm gonna word vomit about the nightmares because GOD I'm listening to great escape on loop and i feel like I'm going insane so yeah if you wanna read that im gonna put it under the cut because its probably gonna be LONG TLDR: I love them and they make my head hurt
We know the nightmares are not good people, like at all. The very first instance we see them is in the episode literally titled "BONNIES NIGHTMARE" and yeah, they sure are his nightmare.
They harass him for money as a "tradition", Bonnie doesn't have any, they try and take his guitar, until there they’re pretty standard random assholes, then meg says "they know where you live" when Bon tries to intervene and refers to them as a complete group, "the *nightmares* know where you live" and then the stakes become weirder. Because aside from just very visibly being horrible people, they already have a reputation of being actually dangerous besides just mugging, they know where people live. You can argue they know where Meg, Fox and Spring live based on past history with all of them, and they could know where Bonnie lives based on how they harass him and all of that; but for them to know where Bon lives? someone who they appear to have literally no biases against and who is, up to that point, just completely unrelated to any of what's happening? It’s weird
You could say it's because he's friends with Meg, but I sort of doubt Bon would bring anyone over with how his dad is, so we are back at "why the actual hell would they know that" If they are mindless thugs it’s a bit weird that they would keep track of specifics like that. And I like to think that that’s the point. They make it a point to know sensitive information about people so that they are less inclined to go against them, just like Meg was. 
Then Fox appears and they seem really put off by it. The series tries really hard to sell that Fox is angry, violent and just a hot head. Which I don't really agree with? as in rewatches I've found myself going "yeah that's a valid reason to be angry" but whatever, going off the series alone and what they intend with each character, Fox is someone who is sort of dangerous, guy who gets into fights and all of that, they seem sort of familiar with each other too. "this is low even for you guys" and then Deuz calling Fox by his name. 
So they are 1) known 2)violent 3) actively make a show out of it. They scare people by knowing their private information yet they don’t seem to do anything with it at all, they could harass Bonnie closer to his house and not at the literal school entrance full of people but they don’t. They could drag him out to somewhere more hidden to not get bothered, but they don't, it's almost as if they want people to see. It's performative, speaking loud and laughing louder, in direct contrast to Bonnie's quiet voice who tries to leave in the least showy way possible. 
We don't see them go to school, hell we don't even see them in uniform until after camp, so I used to think they were older and that  the entire thing with the nightmares vs spring was sort of "the adult drama" outside of school and its teenagers. Their entire group just felt heavier than the rest of the kids, probably fueled by being antagonists.
The next time we see them it's with the aforementioned Spring, they are graffiting a wall and Spring tells them to not do it and to go do it in the "legal area" the artistic zone made for that. 
This is really interesting to me, mostly because even though spring grew up in a similar situation to them, he carries completely different moral values. It even seems as if he's overcompensating. Spring is a hard worker, he has jobs upon jobs and tries to live honestly, and to see other people get by in the direct opposite way he does, he wants to be as separated as possible, have nothing in common because he is a “good” person and they are “bad” people. 
There is no way that his entire area isn't drowning in graffiti already, because even sub-urban areas have graffiti, both actual art and the standard weird drawings of dicks or random curse words. And while the latter are not exactly great to see, they are also inherently thoughtless. People walk around and go "yeah this would be funny" and do it without thinking twice.
With the way that Onnie and Onyx (I call oxy that) talk about it, what they were about to do wasn't thoughtless, they were literally looking for a nice wall. it seemed like they just wanted to do actual artistic graffiti which is a pastime that seems inherently way less morally evil than just harassing random kids at school. They aren't actively looking for Spring either, they are just there. Spring picks the fight, the police come
They run away from the police, there's a ruckus with the police after (as said by Fox). They didn't actually vandalize anything, hell they didn't even have any paint on them throughout that entire exchange. But they still run? They could have done something before going over there, but in that case it'd be strange that they would be so calm and giddy about it knowing full well someone could come, they don't seem to be carrying anything at all either, robbing school kids may be possible with only your fists but they were just around streets without any knife or anything at night, so i doubt they could mug someone if they tried. 
So why would they run? I think it’s because they are all mostly just show, and that their lives shaped them to be that way. The police are scary not on the basis of "they can imprison me for this wrong thing I did" but on the basis of "the police hates people like us." The police hates the poor, the police hates queer people, it hates anyone who fails to fit in the box of what"an upstanding citizen" should look like. Of course they leave with their theatrics still there, telling Spring to "be grateful they saved you!!!" trying to save face. But it's clear they didn't actually do something to warrant fleeing, and this is supported by Spring also hiding. 
The next episode, "the birth of evil" is where everything crumbles and by crumbles i mean comes together. Spring, Fox and Bonnie go to a talent show and they meet the nightmares there, once again the whole act starts again. An obnoxious laugh, a confident pose, an ensemble of people behind you to be able to have your back. Deuz calls them dogs and the other 2 bark, its a performance. Deuz adresses the group, Onyx talks to Spring, Onnie talks to Bonnie.  
They don’t seem to acknowledge Bonnie in specific as anything important, they don’t blink and demand he gives them the money he still “owes”, they don’t tell him he’s lucky that he’s not alone. They pick a fight with the conglomerate and that's it. 
The way Spring and Fox carry themselves in the exact same situation seems just fundamentally different. They insult back of course, but they are way less vitriolic with it, and they don't accompany it with an air of grandiose superiority or an encore of background laughs or barks to drive their point home. They seem honest with their comeback, they have fun with it. Onyx and Onnie GROWL. 
Deux stands in front of them, he has been doing that this entire time, and the other two behind him growl, genuinely upset or threatened by a comeback that let's be honest. Was not even that good. "You smell that? envy?" and "the rats came out to eat, shame we didn't bring cheese"
But it not being good is sort of the point, it feels less practiced, less rehearsed and less of an act, a stupid comeback that reads more like a 3rd grader fight than anything, compared to the more antagonistic "look at the stray dogs. though this was a talent show not a barking one." "give me paw, have you learned to play dead yet?" Those are way stronger, and yet it seems like they just lose the exchange, immediately get defensive and growl, and look genuinely upset. 
Funny thing is that their insults apply to them more than they apply to those three. Both Onnie and Onyx have been shown constantly barking and growling, to call someone a stray dog implies some level of poorness or a lack of belonging. They put down what may seem wrong with them, and apply it to other people to get a leg up. 
Maggie tells them to drop it, they go and perform what they came here to perform. Deuz says "dont waste your energy, let's prove what real talent is" which can certainly just be read as another insult, as a way to call them talentless, but i chose to interpret it as masking a sore spot. We HAVE talent, even if people say we don't.
And this is the main attraction. Great escape. My love. 
With all we know about them, you would imagine their music would follow through with the image they've been constantly pushing. Rough around the edges, loud, obnoxious, full of self adulation. But it's just... Not that.
Song starts, and it seems like they will follow through. It's strong, it's loud, it's overwhelming and yet awestrucking, the guitar is at the forefront and is going crazy. And then it suddenly becomes soft, not weak or pacifying by any means, but soft nonetheless. 
Deuz’s voice is calm, he’s not screaming and he’s not making himself louder than necessary, the mic is there and it WILL pick what he says up. So he’s just singing, he’s not struggling to be heard. The very first line is “if i wasn’t the one who i thought I was, could you show with conviction who you really are?” It’s weirdly wordy and self introspective for someone who is supposedly just evil, who has presented himself as an unmovable wall, as someone strong, foul mouthed and completely used and comfortable with his way of life. As someone who poses a real danger.
If I wasn't who I thought I was, if I wasn't strong and if I wasn't at the forefront, could you really show who you are? If he wasn’t like this, if he seemed soft or weak, could his group live in peace? Could they be who they want to be? It’s not like they are 100% free to be who they are right now. They too, keep an appearance of being unbothered, strong, but at least they get to live, they get to present themselves how they want and not be scared of someone hurting them because of it, because they ARE the harm, and they have a leader. He’s the pillar, and he has to be who he THINKS he is. He has to be there.
“Will you be able to not fall today without your costume?  your heart breaks just like a fragile glass” The idea of costumes, of keeping an appearance, making “the nightmares” a single intimidating entity that no one can mess with, could they live without it? Chances are not, life is cruel and they seem to know that. It’s a dog eat dog world, and they act as if they are on the top of that food chain.
The song is for all of them, it’s ADDRESSED to them, Deuz uses first person and second person, me and you against whatever is put in our way. And that is what makes the song so special to me, in a show were we see the protagonists in the process of becoming friends the nightmares have been together since forever. And this song is for them, to find hope in hopelessness and to simply state how important all of them are to each other. “and in the distance I can hear that your voice started to call me”.
And we see what has led them down this way of thinking. Not a justification, but an explanation.
We start with Deuz, whose first memory appears to be literally working. Working to sustain himself, working to be able to live better, “I know that I will wake up.” I know that I can get out of here somehow, people are horrible to a literal child trying to live, we see how it lasted a long while too. From the candy selling to when his hands are curled into a fist we can see that he visibly grew up, he kept living in those conditions and he never actually experienced sympathy for it, people laughed, people insulted him, people seemed to be grossed out by the mere idea of a kid who was BORN into poverty, because how dare he try and survive? “I fell into an dark abysm without an end”  
With this it would make sense for him to become cynical, to assume it’s him against the world forever, and that people are inherently evil. But the lyrics are hopeful. “I escaped swiftly and I saved my life, I felt as if i were finally breathing again. Today let’s break the walls at once” Life is cruel, people are cruel, but it gives him a frame of reference of what type of people stay at the top of the chain, to be mean, to be violent, not out of enjoyment but necessity, camouflage to survive and breathe again, make sure people don’t mess with him again. The image of a little kid with scratches throughout all his body looking angrily at the camera
“In a place of the world where light goes away and doesn’t want to come back. Could you be sure that you’ll find it?” He could stay alone, he could dish out the same disdain and disgust that people showed him when he was at his lowest, but despite it all he still has empathy, and despite everything he wants to help, “evil” was born through how he lived, but his true nature is still there. And when he sees someone his age at his lowest, he doesn’t hesitate to help. He doesn’t fall in the idea of “everyone should have it as bad as me, i had it worse, it’s not my problem.” He extends the kindness that he never had, and he helps. Could you really find light when everything seems dark? find hope in what seems hopeless?see a A scared little kid being beat in a closed alleyway, amongst all the trash. Could you be fine with it? Have any hope in such a situation?
“if everything breaks slowly and with pain. Could you pick up the pieces that fall?”  He stops it, he becomes the light that went away, a sense of hope and belonging, he offers a hand that was never offered to him. Onnies expression in this always gets me, he looked scared when he was alone, but once someone stands up for him he doesn’t look glad or happy. He seems shocked, in complete disbelief. Both Onyx and Maggie seem to be relieved when they are saved, but Onnie is just shocked. Why would someone just intervene or care? this was not a one time thing, he already had the bruises before any hit ever connected, he fled into a dead end and expected it to end like that. And it didn’t. Everything was already broken, why would someone pick up the pieces? 
“In the distance I can hear the quake of the world and its end. Today you’ll start from zero. I have to say see you later” I’ve seen some people be confused by this part or even laugh at it. Deuz just appears, punches onyx, and they become friends. But the very first shot is Onyx sitting slumped on the ground as if he had been beat up and was barely conscious. But he wasn’t, he had no injuries at all, the lyric talks about the end of the world, he had given up. We don’t know the circumstances of this, but given how clean his clothes are and how he lacks any injuries, it’s my personal headcanon that he got kicked out. A kid alone in the streets kicked out, he should give up, because what else could he do? how else could he live? A wake up call in the form of a fist, this place is dangerous and not what you are used to. But today you’ll start from zero, you just have to say goodbye to what you had. 
The chorus changes, it’s no longer a dark abyss, but a dark path. In the name of not being at the very bottom he has become something he isn’t, all of them have, their lives shaped them to be rougher, they are like the people who hurt them in the past. This is especially true to Onnie becoming a bully. And the path seems endless, because dropping the fake bravado doesn’t seem like a possibility. The world is cruel to those it perceives as weak, so they can’t show themselves to be. That's why we are shown the three of them looking angry, unbothered, the strength their life demanded but at the very least as a group; making themselves bigger, with Deuz at the forefront. 
And we cut to Maggie (who I use he/him for), screaming and trying to get away from someone who is clearly bigger, an adult. From the song “closer” at the camp arc, we can see how that person was enjoying causing distress, a crooked and mocking smile on their face “there will be people who think this is pure hypocrisy” To go from being the kid suffering at the hands of someone stronger, to the one causing said pain onto another kid, all to not be weak and not be a target again. 
The group doesn’t only defend Maggie, fight back against someone bigger than all of them. But Deuz goes out of his way to try and cheer him up, and gives him a sweet to calm down.  “incapable of forgetting the beast that’s hungry yet again” this world, it’s difficulties that feel like sharp teeth mauling at people who have not done any sin but to exist yet, people feed on others being miserable, on feeding on those who seem weaker and their suffering, like beasts. You can’t ignore it, you have to fight back, bare your own teeth.
“Beyond the storm my hand is waiting for you. That sword pierced depression with all it’s strength” After the suffering, after the hardships and the pain, my hand will be there waiting for yours. Together we are stronger, and together we can be happy despite what everyone else can say. “Before just falling like that…” before giving up, before falling, we have each other.
And it’s the chorus again, I fell in a dark abyss, but now what saved his life is not making himself scarier, it’s not the realization of what act he should put on, it’s not his anger freeing him. It’s having his group. And once they break the walls, once they break through their self imposed image, through “the wall” , they can live without fear or grudges. 
Next we see them is at camp, and it seems as if Deuz already started to try to break through said wall, they are actually going to school now, they are at a camp. And when Onyx and Onnie start with the theatrics, when they try to immediately establish themselves as stronger and crueler. He reminds them that they are not on the streets. They aren’t in that horrible environment they’ve always lived in, not everyone is bound to be outright hostile, and they try. 
Later on Deuz says “If being at this camp and learning to work in a team makes my boys finally get accepted by society. Then I’ll do it.” and after that “I’ll show them that we can all change for the better.” They all became hostile because of where they grew up, but if there’s a chance to not be like that, to live in peace, then he’ll take it. He wants the best for them.
And that’s not to say Deuz has always been the pillar of morality. He participated in Bonnies harassment as much as all of them, but their thing is to change, to let go of that gut reaction of cruelty to avoid being hurt. And Deuz also changes with time. At the start, anyone who participated in the event, who went to the docks which is their territory, he would have been annoyed, he would have called them talentless, insult them and their craft and claim he and his crew were better before completely disregarding them as a whole. He would have been defensive about the only place where he can actually showcase his thoughts and feelings. But no! Later on he has respect for Fred, calls him “the king of the docks” and tries to be friendly. Of course after that Freddy is completely confused and he gets pissed, but I think it’s because he tried, he attempted to be friendly and swallow his pride and his defensiveness about the one thing they all have, and he got (in his head) made fun of. It made his instinct of “be the one on the top of the interaction always” kick in, because they WERE on the streets at that time and it’s suddenly the same it always has been. 
Right after that pup kills him on a single punch and that didn’t happen ^^.  no waaaay he would go down so easy to a person like pup whose most athletic skill is gymnastics. Deuz has shown he's had to fight and fight dirty/lawlessly to survive since he was little. it just doesn't make sense and it’s not real TOT Pup is built like a twig
“pia what about onnies song” also didn't happen ^^. After this point the series tries to soften Onnie to be less of a willing participant of the group’s actions, and I just really do not like it. Let him have blue hair and pronouns AND evil in his heart. 
I think that’s all for all, i need to be tazed. I know i kept it very neutral till now but guys please tell me you see why i ship them all so hard. God. I need to kill them all
i hate them you need to be put down <3 like the dogs u like (the nightmares) - Loops
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nwarrior777 · 10 months ago
okay okay hear me out HEAR ME OUT
(or postconcussion!Kim there his concussion was non treated well and did things to his health. F09 is ICD code of most close diagnosis to described and by that i mean i have it)
detailed scenario (prompt?) under cut
after concussion he start to get strange weird "something wrong" feeling for hours which he can't describe and find any info anywhere.
other symptoms came too, vision affected, migraines, hallucinations, stress, all feelings and thoughts turned to gray mash. He mostly just lay in bed trying to rest but 24/7 in bed is not rest it's depression. harry came to him more and more often for "giving a thing back" [kim care for harry after tribunal] but from some moment he just stays because Kim feels * really * bad. Lay, staring into the wall, sleep, getting out of bed to just eat, sleep on table, not getting out of bed, getting fried eggs with ketchup smile to the bed, sleep sleep sleep, starting to make just "mmmm" "nnnnnnggghhhh" sounds instead of words. not going to doctors at first because "i am fine" then "i. don't. care" and at this stage just "...". just gray nothing in his thoughts
untill first epilepsy seizure with passing out.
harry tries to make "self kim care day" (which is "hey let's watch some old ass cop film with popcorn". [i mean. it's harry]).
some intense action scene with flashes, boom, eyes rolled foam in mouth kim waking up in hospital, harry running all around. but there is some good doctor, and after month of Kim being in clinic, shivering from IV, not being able to focus visually at anything, walking only with hand on walls, some most intense hallucinations - which all was part of the process of figuring " what the hell is happening with this guy " and trying which meds work, Kim finally gets treatment. which start helps
Healing finally happening
He finally getting explanation of that "something wrong" feeling thing - turned to be epilepsy aura type [epilepsy aura is a real med term. yep]). it stop happening after some time on meds. Less migraines, less hallucinations, mostly at time then he is at bed late and stresed again, which is now happens rare. vision don't really go better, accept being able to focus came back, but he learns how to live with almost complete blindness, going to places with a lot of not visual senses interests, like nature or music concerts, which harry know all about, all bands in town, all clubs, and takes kim to places where he knows will not be flickering lights or sudden loud music
Gray mash of feelings and thoughts turns into fine life and Kim can finally Taste what flavor is the syrup on pancakes harry making him on breakfast.
mm absolutely not based on my life of course it's based on my life
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mrs-nubenueve · 1 month ago
i have to seriously wedding plan but i can’t escape the grip of bkak fics send help
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10-59 · 2 months ago
would it be lame/annoying/etc. to do like a figure friday every now and then just to talk about parts of my collection…
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glazedsnail · 3 months ago
If you draw Shane with a crooked nose you're automatically invited to the banging party my funerals will be 🙌
Don't get me wrong I love every fcking Shane I lay my eyes upon.
But Shane with a crooked nose 🤌
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lurking-latinist · 1 year ago
*vibrates* my housemate let me help her pick out FONTS for her WEDDING
I told her FONT FACTS
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weedle-testaburger · 5 months ago
one topic I find weirdly charming is stuff for kids that's basically specific to one place. when there's some obscure thing that pretty much everyone outside your country goes 'what?' and everyone in your country goes 'OH MY GOD THAT' when you mention it, that's the shit
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dayurno · 2 years ago
Kevjean that spend years without talking to each other out of the pure irrational fear of not having anything in common now that they are both free of Riko – If they don't look then the change isn't there
AGH....... theyre so fucking stupid but i think so much about how important riko is to their relationship and how much of a space he could be given even as a dead man if kevin and jean don't make a point out of ignoring him...... but how can you rid a relationship of its primal creator if its also both parties' first and worst abuser........ how do you get rid of riko without getting rid of each other..... its really. ah
i think a big part of kevjean to me is that both of their separate, new support systems (the trojans and the foxes in this case, though i use the term support system loosely) absolutely dont agree with this relationship at all GHDFGDHGJDFG when all your friends think your relationship is a grudge you cant let go of..... when everyone in your life thinks the only reason you could stay together is out of a misguided sense of codependence........ when no one wants you together and no one understands and it feels like youre a cult of two :) when id rather remember every time ive ever been wronged and abused than let go of you :) when you look at him and you think hes just something you invented when you were scared and needed to be rescued :))))
anyway heres my kevjean vision moodboard
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christieshiddengems · 5 days ago
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